Business development for phenomenal somatic and erotic practitioners
"I adore Tessa, she's brilliant about biz development in the erotic arts arena"
Want some industry specific business development from someone who speaks your language?
Could you use some structured and informed conversations about Price setting, attracting ideal clients, and strategies for website design to help take your business to the next level?
Imagine how powerful it could be if we did business development integrating somatics.
I have worked with Bondassage, Jaeleen Bennis, Barbara Carellas, Donia Love, Annie Sprinkle and Elizabeth Stephens, Minax, and around 35 independent practitioners longer term.
Tessa Wills is a provider, artist, performer director and project manager with 20 years experience of financial management and marketing of independent projects, and 8 years experience of working as a business coach for people in the erotic industries.
Let’s talk about marketing as political/personal healing. As an embodied practice. Through that, we can get you meeting your goals.